
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Ocean swimming... and underwater forests
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Crayweed, a type of seaweed, forms dense forests on shallow reefs all the way from Port Macquarie to Tasmania. However, there is a 70 km gap in crayweed off the coast of Sydney. Sometime during the 1980s, crayweed disappeared completely between Palm Beach and Cronulla, likely due to the poorly treated sewage that used to be pumped directly onto Sydney’s beaches. However, despite Sydney's water quality improving dramatically since the establishment of the deep ocean sewage outfalls, the crayweed forests have not returned.
Ziggy Marzinelli leads the crayweed restoration research at the University of Sydney and the Sydney Institute of Marine Science, and is part of Operation Crayweed, a concerted effort to restore Sydney's underwater crayweed forests. One of the places they are working is Cabbage Tree Bay near Manly, and have enlisted the help of ocean swimming group with Bold and the Beautiful (stay tuned for a podcast with them very soon).
Image from Patagonia AUS & NZ, who are also working with Operation Crayweed.
Songs in this episode - all licensed under a Creative Commons License:
Seaweed Smoothie - oever
Underwater - 10GRI
Underwater - michachaney
Underwater - Unusual Narwhal
Sapphire - Tobu

Friday Jun 05, 2020
Ocean swimming... with Shane Gould
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Dr. Shane Gould is the only swimmer to hold every world freestyle record from 100 to 1500 metres and the 200-metre individual medley simultaneously. She is the first female swimmer to win three Olympic gold medals in world record time, and the first swimmer to win Olympic medals in five individual events in a single Olympics. She is also the only Australian to win three individual gold medals at one Games.
And now she's a card-carrying member of the Ocean Swimmers' Union!
But not only that, Shane has completed two Masters theses and a Doctorate on the role of swimming in Australian culture, runs swim courses, is involved with surf life-saving and swims as often as she can in the ocean in Bicheno, Tasmania. So she knows a bit about swimming. And she also won Survivor!
Songs in this episode - all licensed under a Creative Commons License:
Swim Good - Weathrman
Survivor - Sammy Nova
Survivor - The Toto1000
Survivor - Jamophone
Ocean - MBB
Devil - KiddTyed
Cape Cub Swim - reefVibes
Sapphire - Tobu
Image from Numismatic Bibliomania Society.

Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Ocean swimming... and Places We Swim
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Caroline Clements and Dillon Seitchik-Reardon run the beautiful website Places we swim and have just released a book, also called Places we swim, a travel guide for water-loving people, exploring Australia through swimming. The book takes us to beaches, pools, waterfalls, lakes, hot springs and gorges all over the country. Caroline and Dillon visited hundreds, if not thousands, of swimming holes to explore Australia's wild beauty and to curate the absolute best of every place they visited. Make this your list of places to swim when we come out of isolation!
Image from @placesweswim
Songs in this episode - all licensed under a Creative Commons License:
Misty Gorge - sillythewilly
Moon Lake - Epic Blast Radius
Lagoon - Dhanesh
River - MusicbyAden
River - JSMusic
Sapphire - Tobu

Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Ocean swimming... and COVID-19
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Thursday Mar 26, 2020
Hannah Sassi is a virologist from the University of Sydney who studies the persistence of viruses in the environment. She is also an ocean swimmer who trains with BondiFit, whose local beach is Maroubra. Right now during the Coronavirus pandemic, many swimmers are wondering whether it is OK to go for a swim. At the time of recording, a lot of world is in lockdown or headed towards it, so some of this is a moot point. If the local laws say don't swim, then obviously, don't swim!
In summary, should you swim right now?
In public pools: NO
In ocean pools: NO
In the ocean: If you take social distancing very seriously. But don't be a dick, if the beach is closed or you're in lockdown, don't swim.
While a properly cleaned pool will kill the virus, the virus can live for a long time in the surrounding environment and everywhere you go on your way to the pool. And in such places where people exercise, people tend to be breathing heavily. Viruses can persist for a longer period of time in fresh/salt water, and so there are further risks with ocean pools, especially those that don't get flushed or cleaned regularly. If you want to swim, swimming at some distance from others in the ocean is the way to go.
Songs in this episode - all licensed under a Creative Commons License:
Virus - Danik3
Virus - Victor Vicodin
Virus - DJ RockinHoof
Corona - Alexander Nakarada
Sapphire - Tobu

Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Ocean swimming... and event organisation
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
Tuesday Mar 10, 2020
The Cole Classic is one of Sydney's oldest and largest ocean swims. It has a storied history and in 2020, ownership of the swim moved from Fairfax to Manly Surf Life Saving Club, meaning essentially a whole new swim had to be organised.
Simone Hill is a member of Manly SLSC and runs her own company My Crew Travel. Simone coordinated the volunteers and logistics for the day, and helped create a new community vibe around the event.
Songs in this episode - all licensed under a Creative Commons License:
Harris Cole - Rain (Extended) - Slayer_Op
Classic - Numa
Sapphire - Tobu

Friday Jan 10, 2020
Ocean swimming... and The Memory Pool
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Therese Spruhan must be one of Australia's experts on the cultural impact of the swimming pool. Her recent book, The Memory Pool, is a fabulous nostalgic anthology bringing together reflections on the childhood swimming pools of 28 Australians including Trent Dalton, Leah Purcell, Shane Gould, Bryan Brown and Merrick Watts. You can taste the hot chips, smell the chlorine and feel the burning concrete. For many kids, the local pool is a place of imagination, freedom, friendship and romance.
Therese is also the author of Swimming pool stories, a blog to which every Australian swimmer should subscribe!
We had a lovely chat at Therese's new local pool, the Fanny Durack Aquatic Centre in Petersham, about all things swimming pools. You can hear kids splashing in the background, but also the occasional flight overhead and a little bit of wind - it's very real! I've left it long, so put the kettle on, go for a drive or a long run, and dive into the memory pool!
Songs in this episode - all licensed under a Creative Commons License:
Memories - Sevnth
Memory - Aaron Weisflog
:memory - Elttob
Memory - Majin Bu
Sapphire - Tobu

Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Ocean swimming... the oceans seven
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Dean Summers has conquered the triple Crown of open water swimming and as I type this, is waiting for his chance to swim the Cook Strait between the North and South Islands of New Zealand, part of his attack on the Oceans seven. Only 18 people have completed this astonishing series of seven incredible channel and strait swims around the world, and Dean is five in. He has swum The English Channel, Catalina Strait, The North Channel, Moloka’i Channel The Strait of Gibraltar. He plans to conquer the remaining two, Cook Strait and the Tsugaru Strait in Japan, by 2020.
You can sponsor Hunterlink here.
Songs in this episode - all licensed under a Creative Commons License:
Oceans - Petit Biscuit
Seven - Ryan
Deano - Roland MacIntosh
Chasin' Summers - DJ Fro-Bot
Sapphire - Tobu
Image from SWIMDEAN

Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Ocean swimming... and extreme endurance
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tuesday Nov 19, 2019
Tim Garrett is an extraordinary athlete. Not content with swimming some of the world's most famous and gruelling waterways, Tim tags on runs and rides of hundreds of kilometers to his swims. For instance, Tim has completed the Arc2Arch:
Run - 87 miles from Marble Arch in London to Dover,
Swim - The English Channel,
Bike - 181 miles from Calais to the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.
He is one of only two people to have completed the Arc2Arch and Uberman, an event in which you swim from 21 miles from Catalina Island to Los Angeles (a major event in itself!), cycle 400 miles to Badwater basin, the lowest point in North America, and then run 135 miles through Death Valley before ascending 13,000 feet to Mount Whitney, the highest peak in the Continental United States.
He plans his own ultra-endurance events through his company Another Level Performance. Apart from Australia's longest open water swim, he has also organised Hard Bastard, where you:
Swim - 35 km from Palm Beach to North Bondi,
Bike - 620 km to Mount Kosciuszko,
Run - 162 km in the Australian Alps.
He fundraises for The Heart Research Institute and unsurprisingly doesn't sleep much! His major aim is to tackle the North Pole.
Songs in this episode - all licensed under a Creative Commons License:
The Endurance - Scott Buckley
Endless Endurance - pathbot
Endurance - Chin Hero
Tim Tim - Ready For The Island (DJ Lamonnz WS AS Remix) - DJ Lamonnz
Tim Maia - Caminho do Bem (Bhaskar & Rivas Remix) - Rivas
Sapphire - Tobu
Image from TimmyGarrett888 on Instagram

Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Ocean swimming... with the wild swimming brothers
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Wild swimming is something of a cousin to ocean swimming. Or is ocean swimming a subset of wild swimming? Either way, wild swimming is huge across the world, and particularly in the UK and Europe. It's also often stunningly beautiful - search #wildswimming on instagram and you'll see what I mean.
Calum Hudson is the middle brother of The Wild Swimming Brothers, triathlete,Ice swimmer, author, nature love, swimming advocate and wild swimmer. He has swum the world's most powerful maelstroms, escaped Alcatraz and swum between continents. The Wild Swimming Brothers started with a 140 km swim down the River Eden, as you do! We had a wonderful chat about the whole gamut of things that make up the world of wild swimming.
Songs in this episode - all licensed under a Creative Commons License:
Wild - Bank$ the producer
Swimming - elesimo
Brothers - Marcel Hutter
Swimming - David Lassam
Swimming in ink - Wontolla
Sapphire - Tobu
Image from The Wild Swimming Brothers on Instagram